Meet the Bonkers

Welcome to the first module of Get the Pet, and your first step towards becoming a pet category expert

In this module you will meet and get to know the typical pet owners. And of course, you will also meet their precious pets!

Getting a better understanding of the pets, their masters, and the size and importance of the pet category will help you build a better and even more profitable pet section.

The simple truth is, the pet category is highly emotional, because pets tug at the heartstrings of their owners and their owners are willing to spend a lot on their darlings if you give them the chance and show them you care.

Now, let’s get to it!

About the pet owners

Duration 3 minutes

Pets contribute to improved quality of life

Flip the cards to find out how.


From the simple joys of laughing at their antics, to acting as an antidote to depression.


From teaching children responsibility of caring, to helping them pay more attention during home-schooling.


From acting as a reassuring presence and barking at the door, to saving lives during disasters.


From getting us outside and moving to reducing stress while we worked from home.

All about cats

Duration 2 minutes



Cats can not see in the dark, but the see well in very low light. Much better than humans, but unlike humans cats do not see as many detials as humans do in normal lightning.



When listening for something, a cat can swiwel their ears in that direction. The ears can even go in indepentent directions making it easier for the cat to pinpoint soruce the sound.



Cats uses their tail for communication, both with humans and other cats. Unlike dogs, cats wag their tail when they are angry or upset



Cats walk on their tiptoes. This gives them a huge advantage for survival, as it allows them to move much quiter and faster.



Cats has a inbuilt balancing system called the righting effect. This ensures that cats almost always land on their feet no matter at what height they fall from

Cool cats and kittens

Cats are cool. Check out Billy’s hotspots for some extra pawsome facts about how cool cats and kittens really are.

Cool cats and kittens

Cats are cool. Check out Billy’s hotspots for some extra pawsome facts about how cool cats and kittens really are.



Cats can not see in the dark, but the see well in very low light. Much better than humans, but unlike humans cats do not see as many detials as humans do in normal lightning.



When listening for something, a cat can swiwel their ears in that direction. The ears can even go in indepentent directions making it easier for the cat to pinpoint soruce the sound.



Cats uses their tail for communication, both with humans and other cats. Unlike dogs, cats wag their tail when they are angry or upset



Cats walk on their tiptoes. This gives them a huge advantage for survival, as it allows them to move much quiter and faster.



Cats has a inbuilt balancing system called the righting effect. This ensures that cats almost always land on their feet no matter at what height they fall from

All about dogs

Duration 2 minutes

A human’s best friend

The dog is said to be a human’s best friend. Take a look at Bonzo’s hotspots to get some fun facts and find out why we love dogs so much.



A dogs sense of smell is about 40x stronger than ours. Dogs can be trained to detect anything from drugs and money to diseases in humans.



Dogs have the unique ability to filter out certain sounds while remaining alert to others. That is why they can hear a car pull up to your house over a loud TV.



Not all dogs have a tail. Some are born without, while some breeds are simply bred to have a very short or no tail at all.



Dogs are excellent swimmers, and some even have interdigital webbing between their toes. New Foundlanders are so good, that they have been trained as water resque dogs for years.



Dogs can have up to 3 different layers of 'hair', and when a dog has more than one layer of hair, it is said to have a fur.



A dogs sense of smell is about 40x stronger than ours. Dogs can be trained to detect anything from drugs and money to diseases in humans.



Dogs have the unique ability to filter out certain sounds while remaining alert to others. That is why they can hear a car pull up to your house over a loud TV.



Not all dogs have a tail. Some are born without, while some breeds are simply bred to have a very short or no tail at all.



Dogs are excellent swimmers, and some even have interdigital webbing between their toes. New Foundlanders are so good, that they have been trained as water resque dogs for years.



Dogs can have up to 3 different layers of 'hair', and when a dog has more than one layer of hair, it is said to have a fur.

Time for a quiz!

In percent, how many households have a cat?




In percent, how many households have a dog?


