In the store

In this module we will go even deeper into the aisle and take a look at improving the shopper experience

So, as you might have noticed from the previous module, or might already know, the actual pet category section is important. The majority of sales take place from the shelf, so by making the visit to the pet category aisle a more memorable visit you can easily increase sales.

If you elevate the shopper experience and keep a clear focus on the fact that there are more emotions and feelings involved, compared to other categories, you will be able to obtain happier pet owners, and as mentioned in previous modules, we love happy pet owners…  

Basics of the pet category

Duration 5 minutes

Quiz time!

Let’s test your knowledge from what you have just learned!

Do you remember how many shoppers leave the shelf if they cannot find what they are looking for?





What can you do to help make sure they find the right products and buy more from your store?

Follow the planograms

Yes! Planograms are created by people specialized in making sure your store has an optimal assortment and product placement, making it easy for your customers to find what they are looking for in the aisle.

Clear shelf segmentation

Correct! Clear shelf segmentation makes it easier for customers to navigate between the different segments.

Replenished shelves

Absolutely! Keeping the shelves nicely stocked helps drive purchases.

Keep the aisle nice and tidy

Sure thing! Customers prefer to shop in a nice and tidy aisle, where things are in order and easy to find. Who doesn’t?