It’s snack time!

Using secondary points of sale is very important for the pet category, as they can drive impulsive buying behavior and increase sales in your store.

The most impulsive segment within the category is Care and Treats. That makes it the sub-category with the biggest potential to increase the total category value through secondary placements!

In this module we will give you some tips to help you realize this potential in your store. Increasing the sales of Care and Treats could also bring more profit to the category, as it’s normally high margin items.

Furthermore, it’s not just pet owners who shop in this subcategory, but also customers who do not own a pet but know one like family and friends of pet owners. This means that secondary placements have a huge potential for attracting customers who wouldn’t normally visit the pet aisle. Let us take a look at how you can secure a good part of that unrealized profit.

About secondary placements

Duration 4 minutes

Secondary placements game

Click on the screen where you think is a good location for a secondary point of sale!


Placing a display or a dumper in the store’s promotion square is ideal for driving sales of Care and Treats!


Placing it at the start of the pet aisle could drive sales and even drive traffic to the pet aisle! Try using the gondola end closest to the action alley for an even more visible placement.


Placing a secondary point of sale in the action alley is an excellent idea to drive sales! You know your store best – where are your high traffic areas, and which creative solutions can you use as secondary touchpoints?


This is not really a good place for second placement.


This is not really a good place for second placement.


This is not really a good place for second placement.

You can really get creative with this! Why not try placing some products next to your store’s flower stand? Place the products at gondola ends, separate displays away from the pet section, maybe pet dental treats alongside human dental products? It’s easy to test, and you’ll see rewards instantly. Dare to be creative!

Don’t forget that pets celebrate all types of occasions with their owners, too. Why not drive Care and Treats for all occasions.

All occasions make sense to pet owners and non-pet owners when looking at Care and Treat.

Have fun!