
Great work! You have successfully completed all four modules.

By now, you should be ready to take everything you’ve learned by following Mr and Mrs Bonkers and listening to all the exciting facts from our presenter, Baldrick, and turn it all into reality and turnover — in your store.

There’s been a lot of information, and because it might all seem a little overwhelming, we’ve selected the most important learnings and insights from each module and gathered them in this summary.

At the end of this page you’ll find a list of easy first steps you can begin implementing in your store today.

So many pets!

We love pets, and there are around:

With so many pets in Ireland there’s a lot of money being spent in the Pet category. Here’s the total revenue number presented in Module 1 pretty big numbers right?


The ‘Big basket shoppers’

And as you might remember, pet owners are ‘big basket shoppers’, too. Not only do they spend big in the Pet category, but also in other categories. In fact, they spend more than non-pet-owners. Just look at this graph that Baldrick presented in module two!

Pet food

Baby food


Jams & Preserves

Purchase occasions per year

Pet owners’ also go to the stores to buy pet food very frequently. This graph shows you how often cat owners go to the stores for shopping food for their precious little ones:

Shelfing essentials

All these visits to the store, and all the money pet owners spend, make it important to keep the pet section well-stocked.

You can increase sales by creating a good shopping experience where it’s easy and intuitive for customers to find what they’re looking for. Make sure your products are restocked often, and that the shelves are nice and tidy. Remember that 50% of shoppers will leave if they cannot find what they’re looking for!

But there’s more! It’s important to keep in mind that the Pet category is highly emotional. This gives you a chance to inspire shoppers and to make an impact on them when they visit your store

There is so much more we could tell you about the pet section. We could go on and on about the details of assortment, how to segment the different product groups, and shelf placement but we don’t have to, because there are experts who work on this day after day. Just make sure to follow those planograms we told you about, check in on your pet section as often as possible, and you’ll go a long way.

Impulsive buying and secondary points of sale

Let’s be honest  we all do it! Impulse buy, that is…  And there is a lot of potential in placing the right products in the right places! Remember, it’s not only pet owners who buy pet food, snacks, toys, and care products.

Think of how customers move through your store and locate the best opportunity for a secondary point of sale. Be creative! Why not try to use pillars, gondola ends, dumpers or other places in your store. Check in with your pet food suppliers’ sales representatives and see if they can provide you with any good tools and solutions.

Speaking of impulse buying, do you remember which products are best placed in a high impulse buying zone?


Snacks & Care

Canned food

Dry food


These were the most important points from the four modules. Here, we’ve turned them into an actual action plan. These are things you can start doing today to improve the pet care category in your store:

  • Ask the person responsible for planograms in your store for the pet food planograms and follow them.
  • Make sure to check in on the pet shelves as often as possible to make sure they are well stocked and nice and tidy.
  • Look into secondary point of sale opportunities for care and treats, as well as other products during temporary campaigns. Remember that these also need to be checked and restocked often.
  • See what other categories in your store have done to enhance the shopping experience, and try implementing some of the same strategies in the pet aisle.

Thank you for joining the Get the Pet program. We hope you’ve learned a lot, and that you feel well prepared to master the pet category and inspired to make the pet section the best one in your store.

Now let’s make it happen!

Your colleagues will be so jelly of your new ‘shelf’ing’ skills  not to mention the fact that you are a living, walking, talking petpedia.